The payment plan will keep trying to charge your card everyday for 30 days until the payment is completed. After a payment fails, the course will be deactivated. If the payment is not completed within 30 days, it will stop trying to charge the card and the course will remain deactivated.
If you want to change your card information, you can go to your Account page, and under Payment Plan, you will see a button to update your payment method. The next time the payment plan tries charging your card it will use the new card information, and assuming the payment completes successfully, your course will be reactivated. You can also click the Make Next Payment Now button to make your payment immediately. Once your payment completes you will regain access to the course.
If you exceed the 30 days, you can click the Make Next Payment Now button to make your payment Once you make a successful payment you will get access to your course for another 2 weeks and then it will be deactivated again (unless you have made all 4 payments and then it will remain active.) No auto charges will be made. You can then go back and make another manual payment to get another 2 weeks and can keep doing this until all 4 payments have been made. There is no time limit on when you can come back and make a manual payment.
For those who purchased the course before or on August 25, 2023 will most likely have had your payment plan imported into the new platform. If you have, on your Account Details page, you will see the number of payments you have made and your current balance. You can click the Make Next Payment Now button to make your next payment Once you make a successful payment you will get access to your course for 2 weeks and then it will be deactivated again (unless you have made all 4 payments and then it will remain active.) No auto charges will be made. You can then go back and make another manual payment to get another 2 weeks and can keep doing this until all 4 payments have been made. There is no time limit on when you can come back and make a manual payment.
If you have not had your payment plan imported into the new payment platform, you will need to contact customer support.