You must be within 14 days of purchasing to switch your course. Your original refund period still applies to the new course. The benefit of switching is that you do not have to go through the purchase process again and do not have to wait for your funds to be returned to your bank card which can take up to 5 to 10 days.
To switch courses, go to your Account Details page. If you see a '14-day trial ...' box, then you are still within your 14-day refund period and you have not received your certificate of completion for the course. Click the Switch Course link.
A list of available courses will be displayed. Click the 'Choose This Course' button for the course you want. If you choose the same price course, the switch will automatically occur when you click the button.
If you purchased the Software Development course, you will see the other courses marked with a negative dollar amount. This will involve a credit price adjustment so the switch will be done manually and you will receive an email when the switch is complete.
If you’ve purchased a different course and wish to switch to the Software Development course, please note that this will involve an increase in price.
- For payment plan purchases: Your remaining payments will be adjusted to reflect the higher cost.
- For one-time payment purchases: You will receive an invoice for the price difference, and your course will be switched once you notify us that the additional payment has been made.
With a price increase or a price decrease, your account may not reflect the new price for a few days until someone from our dev team makes the adjustment.
After selecting the 'Choose This Course' button, you will receive an email from us within 2 business days with details regarding the switch and payment process.
If you do not see the '14-day trial ...' box then you are no longer eligible to switch courses. We make it very clear on the checkout page that switching courses is only allowed within 14 days from the date of purchase.