We do not have a study guide. Some students created flashcards on Quizlet that may help. Another student on Discord shared this link to a study guide they created. You can also search for 'study guide' in the community Discord as other students may have also posted additional help.
Make sure you know and understand all the concepts taught in the course. We do draw from a question bank so the exam questions are not always the same or in the same order. You may also want to go back and retake all the quizzes. On the ones you don't do well on, go back and watch the video. Doing all that should help you do well on the final exam.
Someone on our community discord channel shared this:
We also recommend getting together with others on our community discord channel to have study sessions and quiz each other.
Very important: When taking the final exam, you are being recorded and watched. We have had students try to cheat using the study guide in a different window or by constantly looking away and back again as though they were reading from another device. They received a zero on their exams.